OH BOY, ladies and gentlemen, I know that you have been anxiously awaiting this review from JZZRGRL. 2010 was not the best year on record and I fully look forward to a better year in 2011.
1. Being pursued hardcore for almost 2 months by Napa, claiming he was interested in me and that he and his GF were basically broken up. I believe I even said to him I thought he was using me, somehow he convinced me otherwise. Then had a very "physical" weekend ONLY then to find out he and his GF were never broken up, by his ridiculous FB posts.
2. Being disappointed by Harvard, period.
3. Finding a guy from Baltimore at a trade show in Florida, spending three great days with him and then have him ignore me when we return home when I say I would like to see you again.
4. Having Dallas tell me about his new GF in a text message conversation, which he initiated.
5. Crashing my sister's car while visiting her in Kansas City.
6. Realizing that Jazzercise has been a losing proposition and that I probably won't do this business long term.
7. Figuring out I don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
8. Spending my shoe budget on my cat with her vet bills.
9. Having my Barbie Part ONE laptop die only to realize the my business database had not been backing up and had to pay over $2500 to have the CSI forensic computer guys recover it.
10. AND THE BEST! Being told that my $500 Tahari dress that I wore for a presentation was TOO short and unprofessional...HUH? Do you know me?
1. Finally finding a full time job in August at a great company, after looking for a year.
2. Vegas in March with the redhead.
3. Windy City Wine Festival and multiple other nights out in the city with my Mattie and the Southern girl (including Holiday Martinis).
4. Thanksgiving in Omalala with my crazy alcoholic family.
5. Realizing that my best friend knows me better than anyone else in the world and automatically knows how to react to my comments and situations.
6. Two trips to Snobsdale, one in April for my BDAY and one in May.
7. Losing 28 pounds in 5 months and being able to fit into all of those clothes in my closet.
8. Black Eyed Peas concert and BMW Championship (in a beautiful corporate tent) with Levy.
9. Celebrating my parents' 40th wedding anniversary in Snobsdale AND in Chicago. And being so proud that my amazing parents have stayed married that long!
10. Once again, being so thankful to have an amazing family and friends to support me (AND being able to support a friend in the past month who was going through tough relationship stuff).
So once again, we say good-bye to another year. Next year is a BIG ONE for me, my second annual 39th BDAY, hoping to celebrate it in the greatest place in the world, PARIS. Remember ladies and gentlemen seriously, keep it classy, practice the golden rule, have fun, be good, be gracious to others and dress for your body type and age...and everyone will have a happy 2011.
Tonight is the big Husker game and I am off to Austin, TX. Happy New Year. Ladies seriously signing off until next year, Cheers and CIAO BELLAS!
A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. That's my girl Coco Chanel. Well, being the single gal in Chicago, selling and marketing luxury travel and being a Sorority Director for Gamma Phi Beta, I have a lot to say. So this blog is my random thoughts on everything on love, life, fashion, movies, fitness and beyond and advice on how to be a lady and have some class!
About Me

- Jzzrgrl
- 39 (AND HOLDING) year old single gal in downtown Chicago who loves Jazzercise, Gamma Phi Beta, friends, family, fashion, fine wine and movies. I will admit I am a SNOB about the following things: wine, coffee, handbags, shoes, cars and men.
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