Great quote from the dearly departed John Lennon, they don't make song writers like that anymore. Merry Christmas, ladies! Lord only knows why I am up at 7 AM on Christmas Day! No I was not looking for what Santa left me under the tree, we did gifts last night (and there was no boyfriend wrapped up under the tree, sorry). My niece was very pleased with her first American Girl Doll, Chrissa and my nephew was very happy with his new iPOD. And while the weather outside in Nebraska is quite frightful (10 inches of snow), we had a lovely evening.
No, I think that I am still bothered by a situation that occurred this week with a friend (whom I have know since 1997), and I so I felt I had to share my thoughts. Previously, I told you briefly about a VERY cute guy I had met at a bar, and then I invited him to a party (at the redheads). There was some kissing with him and but I didn't hear from again and therefore, he is what? DEAD TO ME. However, I failed to tell you the story about the friend that went to the party with me. I had invited her to the party she is going through a tough divorce and I thought she needed some fun time. But she actually proceeded to flirt, talk to and take pictures with said cute guy that I had invited to the party all night long. To the point that me and several of my friends at the party were uncomfortable with the situation. I didn't say anything to her about it because she is going through a tough divorce and hey, it's just a guy that I met at a bar.
Well, this friend emailed me this week to tell me that cute guy had contacted her and was it OK if she responded (so she obviously gave him her phone number because let's face it a guy isn't ambitious enough to try and find her information). REALLY? Does a friend even have to ask the question? Shouldn't she be so disgusted with his lack of tack that she would tell him to pound sand? And shouldn't she think that if I wasn't interested in him (not anymore) that it is not OK? Needless to say, I shared my thoughts with my "friend" on her behavior and let her know that she was welcome to make whatever decision that she thinks is best with him. And the most upsetting thing about the whole situation is not that the guy picked my friend over me (WHO CARES, there are more where he came from), it is that a FRIEND treated me that way. Especially someone that I have known for a long time.
So it got me to thinking...why do we treat other women worse than we do men? Why are we willing to screw our friends over for a guy? And probably some guy that is not even in it for the long haul? In times of trouble, are those men around to pick up the pieces, HELL TO THE NO (well, my good guy friends would be)! And why is it OK to insult other women in front of that woman and a group of friends? Suggest that she won't have kids, ever get married or has bad fashion, is fat or has bad hair? Ladies seriously, we are constantly fighting the insults and things that men say to us...why should we have to fight and defend ourselves with women and especially those that we consider our friends?
And hey sometimes I am not the best friend in the world, I may be bad about calling or staying in contact with all of my friends (but they always a Christmas Card :)) But I would NEVER insult a friend or think it was OK to talk and flirt with a friends' date at a party. Ladies seriously, BE a LADY and don't insult or bad mouth another woman in a group. It makes you look bad and it is simply not classy. Be a good friend and treat your friends with care and class.
And so at Christmas time, be thankful for those wonderful friends out there, both women and men friends. To mine, thank you! I whole heart you all. Cheers and CIAO BELLAS.
A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. That's my girl Coco Chanel. Well, being the single gal in Chicago, selling and marketing luxury travel and being a Sorority Director for Gamma Phi Beta, I have a lot to say. So this blog is my random thoughts on everything on love, life, fashion, movies, fitness and beyond and advice on how to be a lady and have some class!
About Me

- Jzzrgrl
- 39 (AND HOLDING) year old single gal in downtown Chicago who loves Jazzercise, Gamma Phi Beta, friends, family, fashion, fine wine and movies. I will admit I am a SNOB about the following things: wine, coffee, handbags, shoes, cars and men.
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