Well, once again, quoting that wonderful show...Sex in the City. Carrie had her Aidan, the one man that loved her completely (enough to come back a second evern after she cheated on him) and she couldn't marry him (because she was still stuck on Big). I will call him the one that got away for Carrie. OK, ladies, who has "the one that got away"? All the single ladies, put your hands up!
If you asked my mom and sister, they would tell you that the one that got away for me was my college BF. He is a GREAT guy and I still think very fondly of him, but I knew he was not the right guy for me in the long run. And we broke up about 16 years ago and my mom and sister still talk about him. LADIES, get over it. There is a lesson for you...only YOU can know the right person for you, if I had listened to my mom and my sister (you KNOW I love you ladies...but) I would be married to the wrong guy, with kids, living in the town I grew up in Nebraska, not thinking I would be too happy.
But ALAS! He is not the "one that got away". My Aidan is not someone that I actually ever dated, but was a very good friend in high school. We were friends for three years and he wanted to date me, but I wasn't interested (still not sure why). Great guy and we always had a lot of fun together, and hey, let's face it, he still wanted to date me even with the HIGH SCHOOL MALL HAIR I had. So then, of course, he started dating someone our senior year and THEN I wanted to date him (typical CHICK thing to do). But he said no and continued to date Miss Thing. Crazy thing is that we all went to the same college, he was in the fraternity down the street and Miss Thing was in the RIVAL sorority across the street. Well, then ended up getting married and subsequently divorced (could have told him that was going to happen, but ANYWAY).
Well, I am coming up on my TWENTY YEAR high school reunion, which has had me reminscing about old times and my Aidan. I am looking forward to seeing him again. He is a doctor BTW. Now, don't go getting any ideas, ladies, he is remarried.
So ladies, here is my advice to you, if you have a good guy friend and there is some chemistry there, you might want to consider if you should explore a relationship. I know based on my experience, my guy friends know that I am an OCD crazed, neurotic woman and they still love me.
And let's face it, a successful relationship starts with friendship, yep the physical attraction is FUN, but I mean really, how many relationships have lasted for the long haul based on the physical part only (it usually dies out). Now, I have a VERY good guy friend, whom I adore, and we have tried to date and it simply does not work. But we realized it and still remain friends. This is not easy to do, so if you go down this road, you better be ready to either not be friends or have the type of friendship that can handle some tough times.
So there you have it...eharmony, facebook, match.com, chemistry, bars, friends, blind dates...it is exhausting! In the end your best guy friend might turn out to be your best boyfriend!
Cheers and CIAO BELLAS!
A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. That's my girl Coco Chanel. Well, being the single gal in Chicago, selling and marketing luxury travel and being a Sorority Director for Gamma Phi Beta, I have a lot to say. So this blog is my random thoughts on everything on love, life, fashion, movies, fitness and beyond and advice on how to be a lady and have some class!
About Me

- Jzzrgrl
- 39 (AND HOLDING) year old single gal in downtown Chicago who loves Jazzercise, Gamma Phi Beta, friends, family, fashion, fine wine and movies. I will admit I am a SNOB about the following things: wine, coffee, handbags, shoes, cars and men.
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